Chiropractic Care for Carpal Tunnel

With the modern workplace often featuring cramped and stressful conditions, it can be all too easy for your body to suffer as a result. One of the issues which many office workers must contend with is carpal tunnel syndrome; a condition which can be extremely painful and debilitating if not treated correctly. While it is common knowledge that the most effective form of treatment for carpal tunnel is the surgical route, did you know that there is a natural and non-invasive solution?
In this post, we will be discussing chiropractic care, and how it can be used to great effect in the treatment of carpal tunnel. From how chiropractic care works and what you can expect, to the benefits of opting for a natural solution over surgery – read on to find out more!
Quick Breakdown of Key Point
Chiropractic care can be beneficial for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. It can help reduce pain, increase range of motion, decrease inflammation, and improve overall function.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition caused by the narrowing of the carpal tunnel, which is a passageway in the wrist that contains nerves and tendons. When these tissues become too tight and press against each other, an individual may experience pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the hands, wrists, and forearms. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be acute or chronic and can be caused by medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid dysfunction. It can also be caused by repetitive movements of the hand and wrist that put added pressure on those tissues, such as typing on a keyboard or working with tools for extended periods of time.
Although carpal tunnel syndrome is traditionally treated with medications or surgical intervention, acupuncture, and chiropractic care have emerged as viable options to help reduce symptoms and provide relief. By using manipulative techniques to unlock joints and increase blood flow to soft tissue structures in the hands, wrists, and forearms, patients who receive chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndrome often experience reduced inflammation and related pain symptoms. The evidence for these treatments varies from patient to patient depending on the cause of their symptoms and severity of the condition. For example, one study conducted on 51 patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome found that only 22% of those who received traditional medical treatment reported feeling any improvement in pain levels six weeks after treatment compared to 50% of those who underwent spinal manipulation techniques.
Chiropractic care offers natural solutions for effective symptom relief from carpal tunnel syndrome without medication or surgery. Going forward in this article, we will examine how this natural therapy can help individuals manage their condition more effectively.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help?
When considering a natural solution to address the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, many people find relief through chiropractic care. While the primary goal of chiropractic care is to reduce the amount of pain experienced by adjusting and manipulating the spinal column to improve nervous system functioning, it has found success in treating carpal tunnel as well. Through the additional use of manipulation and stretching exercises, patients often find their pain reduced and mobility increases.
There are debates about whether chiropractic care is beneficial for carpal tunnel syndrome, but studies have revealed promising results. For example, a study published in 2018 showed that participants who received chiropractic adjustments achieved greater improvement in grip strength following treatment than those receiving wrist braces alone or combined with ultrasound therapy. With limited side effects and few contraindications, this option offers fewer risks for long-term health problems compared to traditional steroid usage or invasive surgery.
Therefore, evidence suggests that chiropractic care offers help in managing carpal tunnel syndrome pain. Even if patients find no noticeable benefit initially, it is important to note that the benefits of chiropractic adjustments may be seen in the long term after multiple treatments.
With this potential natural solution explored, now we can further examine how using specific adjustments and manipulation can help to provide valuable relief from carpal tunnel pain–without surgery.
Key Points to Know
Chiropractic care is a potential, natural solution to address carpal tunnel syndrome pain that has been shown to be effective by studies. Chiropractic treatments are relatively minimal risk compared to traditional steroid usage or invasive surgery, and the benefits may be seen with long-term use. Consult with a health provider before beginning any new treatment option.
Adjustments and Manipulation
The potential benefits of chiropractic care for treating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) make it a promising solution to pain relief. One major component of chiropractic care is the possibility to receive adjustments and manipulations that are tailored to an individual’s needs. Adjustments and manipulations are thought to remove misalignments in the spine and other joints, allowing them to heal properly. This, in turn, could restore range-of-motion and reduce pain.
Proponents of this technique know that proper manipulation can improve overall body functionality which will help ease CTS symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the fingers. A study published in Neurology Research International supports this line of thought. The study reported that 60% of participants suffering from CTS found that chiropractic manipulations improved their condition substantially.
Therefore while the use of adjustments and manipulations in treating CTS symptoms may be effective for some people, caution should still be taken since individuals react differently to treatments. Be sure to discuss any concerns with a trained chiropractor before seeking treatment. Ultimately, however, physical therapies and exercises can also help in providing relief by reducing swelling and pressure while strengthening muscles that support the wrist joint– both essential components when dealing with CTS discomfort.
Physical Therapies and Exercises
Physical Therapy and exercise are also crucial components of chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndrome. Certain exercises can help to increase strength and flexibility, reduce pressure on the nerve, and minimize pain. Discussing therapeutic exercises with a trained professional is important to make sure each patient gets the most out of their treatment.
It is widely debated whether physical therapy or manual manipulation techniques should be used as the primary form of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Supporters of physical therapy argue that it provides relief by strengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility, as opposed to focusing on joint realignment which may provide only temporary pain relief. On the other hand, advocates for manual manipulation claim that it is more effective at reducing inflammation and restoring normal joint movement than physical therapy alone.
There is evidence to support both sides of this debate; however, it does appear that combining both interventions together yields the best results for many carpal tunnel patients. Recent studies have shown that manual adjustments in combination with stretching exercises can significantly reduce symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome compared to either intervention alone.
Regardless of which approach is used, an individualized approach tailored to each patient’s specific needs is likely to lead to the best outcomes when treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Whether it be manual manipulation or physical therapy, patients should follow the recommendations of their healthcare providers while incorporating lifestyle changes to obtain long-term pain relief. Now that we understand how treatments like these can provide relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, let us look at what lifestyle modifications can be implemented in a person’s daily routine to achieve further benefits from treatment.
Lifestyle Changes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
When dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome, lifestyle changes can also be a beneficial form of natural remedy for pain relief. Those who suffer from the condition should prioritize getting enough quality sleep, avoiding substances such as alcohol or drugs, and follow through with physical therapies and exercises. This falls in line with positive mental health habits, as those suffering from the condition must navigate physical and emotional challenges, during which cognitive therapy can be beneficial. Additionally, reducing stress levels and maintaining a regular schedule can help reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. However, to what extent lifestyle changes contribute to carpal tunnel symptoms remains uncertain.
It appears lifestyle modifications may not offer a substantial amount of relief for those with carpal tunnel syndrome; they do, however, provide numerous other benefits both mentally and physically. With healthier sleeping habits and sensible consumption practices – such as limiting substance use – individuals can make well-rounded proactive steps moving forward towards reducing their pain levels more effectively. Through these simple steps, we can look towards learning more about reducing pressure on our wrist joints in the future.
Reduce Pressure on Wrist Joints
When looking for a safe and natural way to reduce the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, many people turn to chiropractic care. A key benefit of chiropractic adjustments is that they can reduce pressure on the wrist joints affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. One study showed that chiropractic care can help reduce pain in the wrist joint while increasing strength and range of motion, making everyday activities easier.
Although some medical experts believe that chiropractic adjustment may not always be effective for reducing pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, there is evidence that suggests otherwise. For example, one study found reductions in both forearm and wrist pain after just four weeks of receiving chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractic adjustments are safe and unlikely to cause any long-term damage or injury. By engaging in both lifestyle changes and chiropractic care, those struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome can work towards finding relief from their symptoms holistically.
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The results of chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndrome can vary, depending on the severity and duration of the condition. Chiropractic care can provide lasting relief from carpal tunnel symptoms. Patients often report an immediate decrease in pain following the first chiropractic treatment and then further long-term improvements over 1-2 months. Regular follow-up visits will help maintain pain relief and prevent re-injury or symptom recurrence. Research studies have also shown that chiropractic care can reduce median nerve mobility within minutes of treatment and its effects usually last between 4 weeks and 6 months.
Chiropractic care can offer a range of benefits for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. This natural form of therapy uses chiropractors to manipulate the joints and surrounding soft tissues to reduce the pressure on the median nerve in the wrist and alleviate painful symptoms. Stress relief and improved flexibility are two notable advantages of this type of treatment. As a result, patients often experience improved mobility and reduced pain levels. Furthermore, gentle mobilization of the joint may help improve the overall range of motion and joint function, which can further help reduce symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, by having consistent chiropractic sessions performed, individuals may be able to delay or prevent any further worsening of their existing condition. In summary, there are multiple benefits to chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndromes, such as stress relief, improved flexibility and mobility, improved range of motion and function, and prevention against further damage.